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Data on their Assets, REO, Liquidity, FICO scoring, etc.
Informed on the type of investing they prefer (flip, hold, build, etc.), where they prefer & if a deal currently needs funded.
How many completed transactions in the last 36 months.
Name, best phone number, best email address........all at your fingertips
We have been intrenched in the business on both ends of the spectrum. We know what real estate investors need in the use of funding (using other people's money to scale for growth).
We know what lenders desire in the way of information in order to adequately work and close a lead. Having been there and done that, we built our lead supply platform around what the prospect needs and the lender desires.
LEADS4LENDING.COM is not a licensed lender. We do not offer loans to consumers or businesses. We are a resource of leads for lenders and lending professionals.